Easter Vigil Reception
The Easter Vigil reception is a delightful opportunity to celebrate and connect with others after the vigil on Saturday night, April 19. To make it happen we need your help. Please see the volunteer opportunities listed below and sign up. Contact Pastor Sevig if you have any questions.

Young(ish) Adult Night
HT Young(ish) Adult Night meets every second Thursday. Contact Krista Stanley if you would like to host future months.

Kids Night Out (KNO)
Email Pr. Sevig no later than Thursday, May 16 if your family would like to sign up for the May KNO.

150th Anniversary of the Congregation: Anniversary Banquet
We celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the congregation with a special banquet on Saturday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m.

Easter Vigil Reception
The Easter Vigil reception is a delightful opportunity to celebrate and connect with others after the vigil on Saturday night, March 30. To make it happen we need your help. Please see the volunteer opportunities listed below and sign up. Contact Pastor Sevig if you have any questions.

Three Days for Kids (& Egg Hunt)
The Three Days for Kids
On Holy Saturday at 10:00 a.m., Pastor Sevig invites children aged 7 and younger (and their grown-ups) to join us for an abbreviated Three Days for Children that leans into the sensory experiences of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. We'll tell stories, sing songs, and round it all out with an Easter Egg hunt. For more information reach out to Pastor Sevig.

Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting will be held in person and on Zoom Sunday, February 11. Join Zoom here.

Musical Revue and Mardi Gras Reception
Watch the livestream here!
Join us for a musical revue featuring the Allegraza Singers, and more! Followed by a Mardi Gras reception in Passavant Hall.

Imagining the End: Mourning and the Ethical Life
Human beings are built to rely on our senses to determine what is happening around us and what it means for us. We hear thunder and lightning. A stranger smiles at us and says “Good morning!” We decide what to do in response. So how is it that many human beings experience God as real when that God is invisible? In her book How God Becomes Real: Kindling the Presence of Invisible Others, Stanford University professor T. M. Luhrmann explores this issue from an anthropological and psychological perspective. Ryan Lahurd will explore the book’s ideas in this Second Sunday discussion.

Young Adult Brewery Night
Join Holy Trinity’s new young adult group (20s-30s) on Thursday, January 11 at 7:00 p.m. at Burning Bush Brewery (4014 N. Rockwell).

Serve at Nourishing Hope (Formerly Lakeview Pantry)
Holy Trinity volunteers assist with distributing groceries to our neighbors, restocking food, assembling to-go packages, greeting and directing guests, and other various jobs that may be needed. Sign up online at htchicago.org/serve or contact James Perez at ord_james@hotmail.com.

Saturday Soirée
Saturday Soirée
Saturday, October 14 from 7 - 9 pm
Mark your calendars for a new event this fall–the Saturday Soirée! This fun and elegant evening will celebrate the Holy Trinity community and give us an opportunity to get to know each other better. It will also include a unique fundraiser–an auction that brings the interests and talents of our congregation to life.
The submission form to donate a unique event or experience to the auction is LIVE - sign up today to share your gifts with the community.

Serve a Meal at The Crib Shelter
Opportunities to purchase food for and prepare a meal at HTLakeview (7pm) and then serve the meal at The Crib Shelter (835 W. Addison, 9pm). Signup online at htchicago.org/serve or speak; to Ken Duckmann (justducky514@yahoo.com) with questions.

Rally Saturday
Join us at HTLoop Saturday, September 16th for the first “Rally Saturday” - an evening of worship, food, and games to kick off the program year and welcome everyone, not just the kids, back to the church.

How does God become real to us?
Human beings are built to rely on our senses to determine what is happening around us and what it means for us. We hear thunder and lightning. A stranger smiles at us and says “Good morning!” We decide what to do in response. So how is it that many human beings experience God as real when that God is invisible? In her book How God Becomes Real: Kindling the Presence of Invisible Others, Stanford University professor T. M. Luhrmann explores this issue from an anthropological and psychological perspective. Ryan Lahurd will explore the book’s ideas in this Second Sunday discussion.

Book Group
Eat, Drink, Read. The next book group meeting will be Thursday, September 7 at 7:00 PM. We'll be discussing the novel The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware. For more information and where to meet, please contact Becky Sims (trifectarcs@gmail.com). Feel free to join us, even if you don't have time to read the book!

The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Wednesday Morning Eucharist
Holy Trinity gathers for a midweek Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This liturgy is in-person only and is not livestreamed.
Most weeks, this followed by a study group that meets at 10:00 a.m. This group is hybrid and meets in-person and online on Zoom.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Serve a Meal at The Crib Shelter
Opportunities to purchase food for and prepare a meal at HTLakeview (7pm) and then serve the meal at The Crib Shelter (835 W. Addison, 9pm). Signup online at htchicago.org/serve or speak; to Ken Duckmann (justducky514@yahoo.com) with questions.

A call to heal creation
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Wednesday Morning Eucharist
Holy Trinity gathers for a midweek Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This liturgy is in-person only and is not livestreamed.
Most weeks, this followed by a study group that meets at 10:00 a.m. This group is hybrid and meets in-person and online on Zoom.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Holy Trinity Goes to the CrossTown Classic
This is a time for Holy Trinity members to connect and celebrate together.
Tickets were available on a first come, first serve basis.
Please speak to Pastor Sevig with any questions.

Lakeview Lutheran Parish Daytimers
Daytimers meets every other month for lunch and conversation. This event is potluck and we encourage you to bring a dish to pass.

The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Wednesday Morning Eucharist
Holy Trinity gathers for a midweek Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This liturgy is in-person only and is not livestreamed.
Most weeks, this followed by a study group that meets at 10:00 a.m. This group is hybrid and meets in-person and online on Zoom.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Wednesday Morning Eucharist
Holy Trinity gathers for a midweek Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This liturgy is in-person only and is not livestreamed.
Most weeks, this followed by a study group that meets at 10:00 a.m. This group is hybrid and meets in-person and online on Zoom.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am In person and on Zoom
Each week a different article to discuss; you are welcome for any or all
Links for each week’s discussion
May 31 The “e” word. Why does the ELCA have “evangelical” in its name?
June 7 Dignity and grace in the face of mental illness
June 14 Will the ELCA be gone in 30 years?
They may not come back. And here’s why.
June 21 The digital workplace is designed to bring you down
June 28 The millennial mystery
July 5 Summer break
July 12 Summer break
July 19 To be announced
July 26 Ten myths white people believe about racism
August 2 The book of Exodus includers a story about reparations for slavery
August 9 The scandal of the anti-intellectual mind
August 16 A call to heal creation
August 23 The necessity of patriotism. Even in times like these.

Book Group
Eat, Drink, Read. Our next book group meeting will be Monday, July 31 at 6:30 PM on the outdoor patio of Bitter Pops, 3357 N Lincoln. We'll be discussing the memoir Educated by Tara Westover. If you like to read ahead, we'll be discussing The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware in August. Please join us, even if you don't have time to read the book!

Serve at Nourishing Hope (Formerly Lakeview Pantry)
Holy Trinity volunteers assist with distributing groceries to our neighbors, restocking food, assembling to-go packages, greeting and directing guests, and other various jobs that may be needed. Sign up online at htchicago.org/serve or contact James Perez at ord_james@hotmail.com.