Lutherans are known for the primacy given to music in worship and Holy Trinity continues this tradition. Each year we use at least six musical settings of the eucharistic liturgy, reflecting the contrasts in the seasons of the church year. In 2007 we dedicated a rebuilt and greatly expanded organ.
In recent years Holy Trinity’s music program has expanded in exciting ways. The Holy Trinity Choir has grown significantly. Our growing Children’s Choir sings several times each year. The Holy Trinity Strings, made up of members and friends of the congregation has been established and plays often for services. Woodwind and brass players add their gifts of music and handbells are heard periodically as well.
Both organ and piano are used to accompany congregational song though organ is the primary instrument. Congregational singing is robust and vibrant, and beloved hymns old and new contrast with a variety of other styles that are included in our corporate song.
To learn more about how you can participate, please contact David Brackley, Minister of Music.
Holy Trinity Choir
Holy Trinity is known for its talented choir and new members are always welcome.
The choir rehearses on Sunday mornings, with a warm-up before the 9:30 am service and a longer rehearsal after the liturgy. The choir season usually extends from mid-September through late May or early June. There is usually one Sunday a month in which the choir does not sing. We hope that this schedule will make it possible for more singers to participate.
Even if you can't be present all the time you are welcome to sing with the choir. Some singers are able to join the choir for select liturgies such as All Saints, Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas, and Easter.
Please e-mail our Minister of Music, David Brackley, to express interest or for more information.
Holy Trinity Strings and Instrumentalists
The Holy Trinity Strings is a group of orchestral musicians who are members and friends of our congregation. They generously volunteer their time and talent to assist musically in worship services throughout the year. Having evolved during 2009-2010 from a string quartet to an ensemble of as many as 14 players, they perform frequently, providing prelude music, accompanying the congregation, choir and soloists. Rehearsal time is usually on Sunday morning prior to the service, and music is distributed for individual practice at least a couple of weeks in advance.
In addition to strings, a number of woodwind and brass players from within the congregation also offer their talents frequently, performing with the Strings and in solos and small ensembles.
Our instrumentalists also play for other events such as our Advent/Christmas Festival Concert in December and during Holy Week and Eastertide. Their music provides an added dimension to the musical portion of the liturgy, and we are grateful for their generosity in sharing their gifts. Additional orchestral musicians are always welcome (no matter what instrument you play!), and should contact our Minister of Music, David Brackley for more information.
30 ranks, 3 manuals, 5 divisions
Built and Installed April/May 2007 by Triune Music, Inc., Elmhurst, IL
Originally a 17-rank Möller organ built in 1923, the organ was completely redesigned and enlarged in 2006-2007. All but one of the existing pipe ranks were retained, and the color of the original Great Open Diapason informed the voicing of the entire instrument, so that it functions seamlessly as a tonal unit. As a part of the rebuilding process, the Holy Trinity Choir moved to the rear gallery where the new console is now located, providing much more space for future growth and an ideal place acoustically for voices and instruments to support and enhance corporate worship.
The main organ (Swell, Great and Pedal divisions) is located in the front of the nave. Some of the pipes of the unenclosed Great Division can be seen in the arch on the right side of the chancel. The enclosed Swell is located opposite, to the left of the chancel.
With both the Rück Positiv and Choir Organ in the gallery, there are ample tonal resources for choral accompaniment and a great variety of colors for organ literature and congregational accompaniment. These gallery divisions also function beautifully in striking dialog with the divisions in the front and make possible stunning antiphonal effects.
The Rück Positiv was designed and hand crafted by Fratelli Ruffatti of Padua, Italy. It consists of four ranks: Gedeckt 8’, Prinzipal 4’ (& 2’), Koppelflöte 4’ and Larigot 1 1/3’. Just behind the Rück Positiv sits the Rodgers 3-manual custom console, which features 100 levels of combination memory, a piston sequencer, adjustable bench, lighted music rack and much more. The Choir Division, located just behind the console, was built by Möller, and was originally located at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago. A number of carefully chosen and voiced digital stops rounds out the pipe specification to provide amazing versatility, and an auto-tuning device insures that pipe stops are always in tune with the digital portion of the organ. A small camera and closed-circuit TV screen make it possible for the organist to view the front of the Nave during worship services.
Minister of Music
Minister of Music, David Brackley
(Click image to read bio)