About the Fund
Earnings from Holy Trinity’s Mission Endowment Fund will extend the congregation’s commitment to connect and serve with joy. Every year, your gift will create funds that allow the congregation to find new and deeper ways to be in mission. Because only the fund’s earnings are used, your gift keeps extending our mission forever.
Any gift, large or small, makes a difference! Gifts to the Mission Endowment Fund are a meaningful way to concretize your commitment to the congregation’s mission or to honor or memorialize someone important to you.
History of the Fund
Holy Trinity’s Mission Endowment Fund was established in 1977 as a result of the bequests of a number of long-time Holy Trinity members.
These legacy gifts assured Holy Trinity’s survival during a difficult period providing us today with a dynamic faith community that enriches us and the lives of others in so many ways.
The Holy Trinity Mission Endowment Fund Committee is currently at work to build the fund, to carefully monitor the investment and to make recommendations to the Church Council for the annual distribution of a portion of the income.
Help Extend Our Mission
Your gift or bequest to Holy Trinity’s Mission Endowment Fund can include:
+ Cash
+ Stocks and mutual funds
+ Life insurance policies
+ Charitable annuities & trusts
+ IRAs or 401Ks
+ Real estate
Endowment Fund Grants
Holy Trinity's Mission Endowment Committee is pleased to announce for the ninth year in a row the availability of a small number of grants that will extend our commitment to and support of mission beyond our congregation. Registered charities qualified under IRS §501(c)(3) are eligible to apply for grants of up to $1,000 with the endorsement and signature of a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
Applications for 2025 Endowment Fund Grants are now open, due on February 12, 2025. Click here for the application form. Email Raneem Salem in the church office with and questions.
2024 Grants
Sing Out Loud Seniors
Lakeview Lutheran Parish Youth Ministry
Lutheran Campus Ministry at Northwestern University
2023 Grants
Sing Out Loud
2022 Grants
Jonas Ellison, seminary student, tuition assistance
HTLC Youth Ministry
Sing Out Loud
2021 Grants
2020 Grants
2019 Grants
2018 Grants
2017 Grants
First Lutheran Church of the Trinity - God's Closet Community Meals
Augustana Lutheran Church - Hyde Park Refugee Project
2016 Grants
First Lutheran Church of the Trinity - God's Closet Community Meals
South Loop Campus Ministry - "Taking it to the Streets"
2015 Grants
Kirsten Fryer - ELCA Missionary in Cairo