The Three Days for Children & Egg Hunt
On Holy Saturday at 10:00 a.m., Pastor Sevig invites children aged 7 and younger (and their grown-ups) to join us for an abbreviated Three Days for Children that leans into the sensory experiences of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. We'll tell stories, sing songs, and round it all out with an Easter Egg hunt. For more information reach out to Pastor Sevig.

Thursday Book Group
Thursday, March 20 + 7pm
The Thursday Book Group meets on the Northside monthly - in March we’ll be discussing Native Son by Richard Wright.
Contact Becky Sims for more information and where to meet.

People of Faith Respond to Violence and Confusion in the Holy Land
Zoom forum hosted by the ELCA Metro Chicago Synod Working Group on the Middle East.

Young(ish) Adult Game Night
Board game night for 20s-30s at Holy Trinity. Email Krista Stanley for the address to join.

Reparations, Music, & James Baldwin
In person at HTLoop on Saturday, February 22 from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. and on Zoom.

Reparations, Music, & James Baldwin
In person at HTLoop on Saturday, February 22 from 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. and on Zoom.

Daytimers Recital & Potluck (at Saint Luke)
Daytimers recital and potluck + Wednesday, February 19 + 10:30 a.m. at Saint Luke (1500 W Belmont)

Faith & Literature Series
The mysteries of faith often feel too big for words. They can't be captured easily in dogma or Sunday School lessons or theology books. Perhaps that's why so many authors have used literature to grapple with faith's mysteries. These authors and their work push us to ask big questions without simple answers. They encourage us to think about our faith in different ways.
In this "Faith and Literature" series, join Kim Hedlin in reading some funny, poignant, and often perplexing stories. Each week, we'll use a different short story as a starting place for asking what a life of faith is. Come when you can, regardless of whether you've read the story in advance.
Sundays at 10:45 a.m., in person at HTLakeview or on Zoom.
Sign up here to receive the readings in advance.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Annual Meeting - Sunday, February 2 in person at HTLakeview or on Zoom.

Faith & Literature Series
The mysteries of faith often feel too big for words. They can't be captured easily in dogma or Sunday School lessons or theology books. Perhaps that's why so many authors have used literature to grapple with faith's mysteries. These authors and their work push us to ask big questions without simple answers. They encourage us to think about our faith in different ways.
In this "Faith and Literature" series, join Kim Hedlin in reading some funny, poignant, and often perplexing stories. Each week, we'll use a different short story as a starting place for asking what a life of faith is. Come when you can, regardless of whether you've read the story in advance.
Sundays at 10:45 a.m., in person at HTLakeview or on Zoom.
Sign up here to receive the readings in advance.

Faith & Literature Series
The mysteries of faith often feel too big for words. They can't be captured easily in dogma or Sunday School lessons or theology books. Perhaps that's why so many authors have used literature to grapple with faith's mysteries. These authors and their work push us to ask big questions without simple answers. They encourage us to think about our faith in different ways.
In this "Faith and Literature" series, join Kim Hedlin in reading some funny, poignant, and often perplexing stories. Each week, we'll use a different short story as a starting place for asking what a life of faith is. Come when you can, regardless of whether you've read the story in advance.
Sundays at 10:45 a.m., in person at HTLakeview or on Zoom.
Sign up here to receive the readings in advance.

Eat. Drink. Read.
The first book group meeting of the new year will be on Thursday, Jan. 16 at 7 PM. We'll be discussing the historical novel The Diamond Eye by Kate Quinn. Please contact Becky Sims (trifectarcs@gmail.com) for more information and where to meet. Make a new year's resolution to join the book group!

Faith & Literature Series
The mysteries of faith often feel too big for words. They can't be captured easily in dogma or Sunday School lessons or theology books. Perhaps that's why so many authors have used literature to grapple with faith's mysteries. These authors and their work push us to ask big questions without simple answers. They encourage us to think about our faith in different ways.
In this "Faith and Literature" series, join Kim Hedlin in reading some funny, poignant, and often perplexing stories. Each week, we'll use a different short story as a starting place for asking what a life of faith is. Come when you can, regardless of whether you've read the story in advance.
Sundays at 10:45 a.m., in person at HTLakeview or on Zoom.
Sign up here to receive the readings in advance.

Christmas Eve
HTLakeview - 5:00 p.m. Christ Mass
HTLoop - 4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Eucharist with Grace Episcopal

Blue Christmas (with Grace Episcopal)
HTLoop and Grace Episcopal host Blue Christmas, a liturgy that offers time for quiet reflection, especially for those who have a difficult time this time of year.

Online Compline for Advent
Join on Zoom at 8pm on Wednesday, December 18 for a compline (prayer for the end of the day) for Advent.

Community Bible Study
Advent Community Bible Study - led by Pr. Sharai Jacob, Wednesdays in Advent, 6pm on Zoom.

Hot Cocoa & Carols
Following the liturgy at HTLoop on Saturday, December 14, stick around for an evening of Hot Cocoa & Carols. All are welcome!

Annual Book Group Holiday Party
The annual book group holiday party is Thursday, December 12 at 7pm. Contact Becky Sims (trifectarcs@gmail.com) for more information and where to meet.

Community Bible Study
Advent Community Bible Study - led by Pr. Sharai Jacob, Wednesdays in Advent, 6pm on Zoom.

Lessons & Carols for Advent
An Advent service of lessons & carols, led by the Holy Trinity Choir, featuring flautist Tommy Swanson.

LLP Hymnsing and Pie Reception
The Annual Lakeview Lutheran Parish Hymnsing will be Sunday, November 24 at 4pm at Saint Luke (1500 W. Belmont), followed by a pie reception.

Young(ish) Adult Night
The next Young(ish) Adults Gathering is Thursday, Nov. 21 at 7pm at Burning Bush Brewery (4014 N Rockwell)

Eat, Drink, Read.
Contact Becky Sims (trifectarcs@gmail.com) for more information and where to meet.

Newcomer Orientation
Interested in becoming a member of Holy Trinity? Join the newcomer orientation following the 9:30 a.m. liturgy on Sunday, October 20. Meet the staff and other newcomers, get a tour of the building, and learn about our mission.

Daytimers Piano Recital & Potluck
Pianist Thomas Schmidt performs Chopin Preludes, followed by potluck lunch. Sign up here to bring a dish to share.