Service Opportunities
HTLakeview Opportunities
Social Ministry Team
The HT Social Ministry Team meets every second Wednesday on Zoom. Contact Pr. Michelle Sevig to get involved. Recent projects of the Social Ministry Team include migrant support, diaper and formula drive, cold-weather clothing drive, and support of the Lakeview Lutheran Parish Hot Soup Mission, which distributes a hot meal monthly to our unhoused neighbors in Lakeview. To learn more about
ONE Northside
Task forces issues such as health issues, hate crimes and affordable housing. For more information about how to participate, watch our announcements page, visit ONE Northside’s website or contact Ken Duckmann.
Anti-Racism and Reparations Ministry
The mission of Holy Trinity’s Anti-Racism Ministry is to engage the entire congregation in dismantling racist practices, systems, and ideas in ourselves, our church, and our community through the work of education, conversation, and advocacy. A reparations team meets every second Tuesday on Zoom. Contact co-chairs Aana Vigen and Josh Brown for more information.
Prison Book Ministry
Donate books for inmates in Illinois or participate in LSSI's Storybook Project. Learn more.
HTLoop Opportunities
South Loop Community Table
Sunday nights at 7pm at Grace Place, 637 Dearborn
Serve a meal and dine with members of the community. Contact Pastor Sharai Jacob for more information.