Contact Pr. Sevig with any questions about Sunday School, Confirmation, and children’s/family ministry.
In recent years Holy Trinity has witnessed a growing number of births and baptisms. The large number of children in worship is a wonderful sign of growth and vitality. Children and youth participate in worship as torchbearers, crucifers, and readers, and have special involvement in the liturgies on Epiphany, Transfiguration (burial of the Alleluia), Palm Sunday, and the Easter Vigil.
A nursery is staffed on Sunday mornings during the liturgy.
A baptism class is offered several times a year for parents (either expecting or with newborns) who are preparing for baptism. Communion classes are offered periodically for children preparing for first communion or as part of their faith formation. All the baptized, regardless of age, are welcome to commune. Please speak with Pastor Sevig to coordinate a time for individualized instruction if your child would like to begin communing.