Make worship a priority during Lent:
Saturdays, 5:00 pm at HTLoop (and on Zoom)
Sundays, 9:30 am at HTLakeview (and on YouTube)
Wednesdays, 9:30 am at HTLakeview
Wednesdays, 8:00 pm on Zoom, Compline (brief service for the end of the day)
Join on Zoom
Meeting ID: 820 5216 8818
Passcode: HTLC
Study Offerings
Sundays in Lent: The Universal Christ
Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe
Seven sessions
Sunday, March 9, 10:45am-noon. In person and Zoom.
Sunday, March 16, 10:45am-noon. In person and Zoom.
Sunday, March 23, 6:30-7:45pm Zoom only.
Sunday, March 30, 10:45am-noon. In person and Zoom.
Sunday, April 6, 6:30-7:45pm. Zoom (in person, if interest)
Sunday, April 13, 6:30-7:45pm. Zoom only.
Sunday, April 20, Easter. No session.
Sunday, April 27, 10:45am-noon. In person and Zoom.
Held at HTLakeview and on Zoom.
Richard Rohr, a beloved spiritual writer, explores what it means that Jesus was called “Christ” and how this forgotten truth can restore hope and meaning to our lives. Too often, our understandings of Jesus have been limited by culture, religious debate, and the human tendency to put ourselves at the center. Drawing on scripture, history, and spiritual practice, Rohr articulates a transformative view of Jesus Christ as a portrait of God’s constant, unfolding work in the world. When we recover this fundamental truth, faith becomes less about proving Jesus was God, and more about learning to recognize the Creator’s presence all around us, and in everyone we meet.
Please order the book on your own.
Wednesdays in Lent: Pause: Spending Time in Lent with the Psalms
March 12 - April 9 (five sessions)
10:00 am - HTLakeview and on Zoom.
Preceded by a brief eucharist at 9:30 am
Zoom link for 10:00 am study
Meeting ID: 819 9257 6595
Passcode: 670150
Noon - 1:00 pm in person at HTLoop
7:00 pm - Zoom only
Concluded with a brief Lenten liturgy (Compline) at 8:00 pm. You are welcome to join any Wednesday at 8:00 pm even if you did not participate in the study.
Zoom link for 7:00 pm study
Meeting ID: 200 920 453
Passcode: 068508
We will read and discuss the book, Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms by Elizabeth Caldwell. Lent encourages us to consider a different pace—one of slowing down, noticing, pausing—than our dominant culture values. Each session will focus on a different psalm and provide insights and connections with our everyday lives, as well as an invitation to consider new spiritual practices. Please order the book on your own.