
Sermon 2/28/21: "Standing in the Center of the World's Pain" (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 2/28/21: "Standing in the Center of the World's Pain" (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

We are called to take up the cross and expect that God is fully present in the suffering and brokenness of the world. We are called to take up the cross and be honest about our brokenness and demonstrate our willingness to enter into the brokenness of others. We are called to take up the cross because we follow the One who not only took up his cross, but also revealed that nothing in this world, not even the hate and darkness and death can defeat the love and light and life of God.

Sermon 6/28/20: Pride and Joy (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 6/28/20: Pride and Joy (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Remember you are God’s pride and joy. You have a future! God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah is for you as well. For everyone born, a place at the table. Isaac and Ishmael. Muslim, Jew, Christian. All those longing for a cup of cold water, those praying for a new day, a better world, a more equitable society, a future bright with promise. People of all colors, races, genders, sexualities, religions, spiritualities, ideologies. For everyone born, All God’s beloved children. God’s pride and joy.

Sermon 1/19/20: What are you looking for? (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 1/19/20: What are you looking for? (Pr. Craig Mueller)

What are you looking for? Not just size twelve. Not just an iPhone in green. Not just the restaurant with the best Yelp review. What are you really looking for? What is most essential for you to grow and thrive and serve? What a gift that we can take a few moments on a Sunday morning to turn off the distractions and turn off the commercials and listen for God. And hear again the invitation: Come and see! Come, hear the good news. Come, remember your baptism. Come, eat, and drink. Come, be refreshed, and then depart to share in God’s liberation project for our world!