Holy Trinity and Grace Episcopal invite you to join together on Zoom or at Grace Place (637 S Dearborn) for worship as we mark the shortest day of the year and hold one another in God’s love.
The holiday season can be challenging for many as the days grow shorter. Holidays are also often filled with a poingancy as grief can strike harder and feelings of aloneness can widen. When the lights are twinkling outside, we gather inside to pray and to be together as community, as the Body of Christ. We show up for one another this Blue Christmas on the night just before the days begin to increase again as the year cycles on.
Join by Computer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84914173854?pwd=c3ZQT2ZlTXZrd3dVNUh1aXY0bTVKUT09
Passcode: Grace637
Join by Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 849 1417 3854# Passcode: Grace637