toward100 Paul Strome toward100 Paul Strome

Toward 100 Update: And now for something completely different...

AAA-1 Masonry has begun tuck pointing the southern elevation of the sanctuary. This is what is known as a 100% grind out so all the new mortar joints will be the same color and uniform thickness. In short, putting out best face to the public. The east and west elevations have had much less harsh weather exposure and will be ground out and tuck pointed where needed.

The Toward 100 projects completed thus far have mostly been hidden from sight: a chimney rebuild, parapets pointed, wiring strung in the crawl space, compressors lined up in a gangway, etc..

The next project is out there for the entire community to see. AAA-1 Masonry has begun tuck pointing the southern elevation of the sanctuary. This is what is known as a 100% grind out so all the new mortar joints will be the same color and uniform thickness. In short, putting out best face to the public. The east and west elevations have had much less harsh weather exposure and will be ground out and tuck pointed where needed.

Expect motorized lifts, scaffolding and a bit of dust as old mortar is ground out and replaced.

The schedule calls for the work to be completed in three weeks but that allows time for the Cubs schedule and rain delays. The work on the common brick on the office/classroom building will follow as soon as ComEd can cover their distribution lines in the alley.

The large stained glass window on the southern exposure will be removed by Daprato Rigali Studios the week of September 16. For several weeks after that there will be plywood filling the void as the panels are repaired and strengthened. The glass will be back in place before the chill winds of late fall blow.

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Raneem Salem Raneem Salem

HTLakeview Air Conditioning Installation Nearly Complete

"All in all it's just another [hole] in the wall."

When you next visit the sanctuary you will notice that the inside portion of the air conditioning system is in place, if not yet working. Positioning the interior units was easy. Connecting them to the outside compressors was art. To do this holes had to be drilled -- in the floor, in the foundation, in the balcony. All were drilled with a precision that will ultimately be unseen but greatly appreciated by those of us who struggle with getting the hole just right when hanging the latest family portrait.

All is on schedule and we hope to be able to use the air conditioning for the first time on July 28.

"All in all it's just another [hole] in the wall."

When you next visit the sanctuary you will notice that the inside portion of the air conditioning system is in place, if not yet working. Positioning the interior units was easy. Connecting them to the outside compressors was art. To do this holes had to be drilled -- in the floor, in the foundation, in the balcony. All were drilled with a precision that will ultimately be unseen but greatly appreciated by those of us who struggle with getting the hole just right when hanging the latest family portrait.

All is on schedule and we hope to be able to use the air conditioning for the first time on July 28.

This work is made possible by the Toward 100 capital campaign. In the coming several months we will receive firm bids on the lift/elevator, accessible restroom and Passavant Hall renovation. We hope to move the forward with Spiritual Life Center at Grace Place as well.

Share the momentum! If you haven't yet make a pledge, you may do so online at

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Raneem Salem Raneem Salem

Toward 100 Week 3 Construction Update

Week 3: Unseen Places (Psalm 139:8) | Paul Strome, Finance and Building Administrator

The crawl space under the sanctuary may not be what the psalmist had in mind when writing about Sheol but this afternoon, as I shimmied my way along the 24" square passageway that lines the perimeter of the building and gives access to the radiator pipes, the underworld is what came to my mind.  It's tight, it's dirty, it is not an easy work environment.  Later this summer as we are enjoying the cool air conditioning, let's give thanks for the electricians and installers who braved HTLC's "underworld" to make it all happen.

P.S.  Tours of the crawlspace will NOT be provided.

Week 3: Unseen Places (Psalm 139:8) | Paul Strome, Finance and Building Administrator

The crawl space under the sanctuary may not be what the psalmist had in mind when writing about Sheol but this afternoon, as I shimmied my way along the 24" square passageway that lines the perimeter of the building and gives access to the radiator pipes, the underworld is what came to my mind.  It's tight, it's dirty, it is not an easy work environment.  Later this summer as we are enjoying the cool air conditioning, let's give thanks for the electricians and installers who braved HTLC's "underworld" to make it all happen.

P.S.  Tours of the crawlspace will NOT be provided.

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toward100 Raneem Salem toward100 Raneem Salem

Toward 100 Week 2 Construction Update

Prep for sanctuary air conditioning! This week's Toward 100 update involves another place few, if any, HTLC member ever visits, let alone know exists -- the gang way along the nursey/choir room wall and the three-flat property to the east.


We are thrilled to announce that $700,000 has been given or pledged by 100 or so members and friends of Holy Trinity to the Toward 100 capital campaign. Due to those able to make initial contributions this summer, several projects have already begun. Read below information from Paul Strome, our finance and building administrator, about this week’s progress. For those who would still like to participate in the campaign, the campaign booklet may be found here, pledges may be made here, and donations may be made here.

This week's Toward 100 update involves another place few, if any, HTLC member ever visits, let alone know exists -- the gang way along the nursey/choir room wall and the three-flat property to the east.  For most of the year it is a weedy after thought.  Soon it will be the location of the external compressors supporting the sanctuary air conditioning.  The overgrowth has been removed, the ground leveled, and a base of pea gravel laid on top of a weed barrier. Feel free to visit from the alley side.  You will note that the southern half of the gangway has been prepared and is ready for the compressors.  The north half does not involve the A/C installation and looks like a prime spot for an HTLC work day.

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toward100 Raneem Salem toward100 Raneem Salem

Toward 100 Week 1 Construction Update

On Monday, June 10 construction officially began on the first of our Toward 100 campaign projects. Read more for photos and details about this week’s progress.


We are thrilled to announce that $700,000 has been given or pledged by 100 or so members and friends of Holy Trinity to the Toward 100 capital campaign. Due to those able to make initial contributions this summer, several projects have already begun. Read below information from Paul Strome, our finance and building administrator, about this week’s progress. For those who would still like to participate in the campaign, the campaign booklet may be found here, pledges may be made here, and donations may be made here.

And so it begins!  As I write workmen are grinding away loose mortar joints in the bricks and capstones above Passavant Hall.  On Monday the main chimney came down; by noon Wednesday it was back up!  Keeping rain water in its place (outside, not inside) is a decidedly unglamorous way to start the building phase of the Toward 100 campaign, but Passavant hall and the St Mark's room thank you for your support. The roof is a place few members see so I hope these photos give you a sense of what's happening and why. 

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