
Sermon 4/10/20: The most Good Friday-est Good Friday I’ve ever Good Friday-ed (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 4/10/20: The most Good Friday-est Good Friday I’ve ever Good Friday-ed (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

I imagine Mary standing at the foot of the cross eyes swollen with tears, her heart breaking, her lungs gasping for air as she watches her son dying for the suffering of the world. Her grief, our grief, the world’s grief are held in the arms of the crucified one this night and every night. Our suffering and sorrow, our doubts and despair, our agony and anguish are joined not only to Christ’s but to the brokenness of all creation. And yet, in John’s gospel what looks like defeat, is victory. What seems like an ending is new birth. Maybe all we can hope is that God will be here now, in our flesh. And that somehow, the cross will be to us healing and resurrection.

Sermon 4/11/20: Easter Arrives (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 4/11/20: Easter Arrives (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Though we shelter in place, we do not forget the fragile and those in need. We seek new ways to care for one another. To check on neighbors. To express gratitude to medical professionals, delivery workers, first responders. And Easter arrives. We long for that day when the stone is rolled away. We hope for the day when social distancing is past, our masks are off and we begin to see others previously camouflaged by our own prejudice or indifference. And Easter arrives. This is the night. Easter has arrived. And in the darkness light shines. Freedom dawns. Hope burns brightly. We step boldly into the future. And this night as always, alleluia is our song.

Sermon 4/9/2020: Love to the End (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 4/9/2020: Love to the End (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Jesus loved this disciples to the end. Jesus loves us to the end. And calls us to follow his example of servanthood. Whether or not we wash feet ritually, we recommit ourselves to honoring and caring for bodies—our own and those of others, especially those most vulnerable. For in such acts of love and service, Easter already dawns.