
Sermon 5/23/21: "Language of the Spirit" Pr. Craig Mueller

Sermon 5/23/21: "Language of the Spirit" Pr. Craig Mueller

The language of the Spirit is beyond words. Beyond belief. Beyond the boxes we religious people put God in. Or other people in. I believe the Holy Spirit is always blowing our minds, enlarging our vision, and calling us to be more than we thought we could ever be. Christ is risen, and with us forever in the Spirit. So let’s learn the language of the Spirit. Don’t just talk. Listen. Groan. Moan. Sigh. Sing. Act. And let’s dream a new world together.

Sermon 5/31/20: Dreaming Big (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 5/31/20: Dreaming Big (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Will join me in this dream? Will you join the community of Holy Trinity to envision a new church, a new country, a new world? Use your imagination. Even as another black man cries out, “I can’t breathe,” even as we hold our breath in fear and anger, Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on us today.

I sense it deep in my bones. The Spirit is among us. The Spirit is already creating something new in our world. It is a time for dreams and visions. And a new Pentecost!

Sermon 6/9/19: Aren't You Glad We Aren't All the Same?

Sermon 6/9/19: Aren't You Glad We Aren't All the Same?

Holy Trinity is a Pentecost community. Our differences make life interesting and reveal that God loves diversity and is the very source of infinite variety. The Holy Spirit is the energy that unites us and challenges us to not only bang our diversity drum and say what a great church we are because we try to welcome everyone. Rather, we are empowered to move beyond mere acceptance of others to transformation. As we listen and learn from those most different from us—racially, ethnically, religiously, economically, politically—we become more. We discover new ways of thinking, serving, loving. We become transformed by this Spirit of God, this Advocate, the One that abides in us forever.