
Why Have You Abandoned Me?

Why Have You Abandoned Me?

On this Sunday of the Passion, we behold a crucified God.

Hanging on the gallows.

Sharing our suffering.

Bearing our wounds.

God-with-us in our godforsaken moments.

God-with-us when there are no words.

God-with-us when there are no answers.

God-with-us when we wonder if we can make it through the night.

God-with-us when we question whether life is worth living or has any meaning.

God-with-us when we doubt the very existence of God.

Sermon 4/5/20: The Earth Moved Under Our Feet (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 4/5/20: The Earth Moved Under Our Feet (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Around the table of the Lord—the table for which we long—we sing “hosanna in the highest,” in times of deep joy and times of deep sorrow. All these times coexist for us, as individuals and the people of God. God’s passionate mercy and love embrace us and all our suffering world this day. Holding us close, even as we are physically distant from one another. For as we walk the way of the cross, we trust the promise of spring, the hope of resurrection and new life.