
Sermon 11/22/20: Sheeple, and proud of it! (Pr. Liala Beukema)

Sermon 11/22/20: Sheeple, and proud of it! (Pr. Liala Beukema)

In the dark days of the coming Advent remember…if you deepen your resolve to work for justice…You just might be a sheeple. If you join in the call for accountability by public officials and public servants…you just might be a sheeple…If you support small businesses during this economic struggle…you just might be a sheeple…If you learn about and support the concept of reparations…you just might be a sheeple…If you put the pantry on a monthly giving plan…you might be a sheeple…If you learn to include/utilize preferred pronouns…you just might be a sheeple…and good lord, if you wear a mask wherever you go…even when you aren’t required..because you care about others who might get sick even if you might not get sick, well…You ARE a sheeple…and Jesus is proud of it.