
Sermon 3/21/21: "A Dirty Sermon" Pr. Craig Mueller

Sermon 3/21/21: "A Dirty Sermon" Pr. Craig Mueller

Reverence this earth. Look down at the dirt. Honor the soil. Let’s call a spiritual moratorium on stigmatizing dirt! But also look up this day to Jesus lifted high on the cross. A sure sign of spring and the world becoming new. Hear Jesus’ words to you this day: “And I, when I am lifted up, will draw all people to myself.”

Sermon 3/29/20: Breath Work (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 3/29/20: Breath Work (Pr. Ben Adams)

The death and suffering that the COVID-19 virus is causing might take our breath away and cause us to weep like Jesus did, but out of his love for us Jesus takes even that which is dead and dry and resurrects life. Life out of love is the same love that holds us together one to another, and holds us together personally when it seems like we have hit the rock bottom of our depths. So, as these weeks continue, let’s prophesy to the breath by reminding ourselves and others when we forget about the love that holds us all as one.