
Sermon 3/15/2020: Love Not Canceled (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 3/15/2020: Love Not Canceled (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Church gatherings may be canceled for a bit, but we can still be part of the restorative work of connecting with and loving one another so that no one need be isolated during this time of confusion, frustration and uncertainty.

God’s love for humanity is not canceled. God is not distant, but as close to you as your own breath; wiping away your tears, calming your fears, embracing you with a love that is stronger than death.

Let’s all together, virtually through Facebookland, take a deep breath…

Breathe in…Breathe out.

The Holy One is here, offering you the water of life.

God’s love is like a deep well, that never ever runs dry.