
Sermon 3/1/2020: The Nature of Lent (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 3/1/2020: The Nature of Lent (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Welcome to your vision quest in the Lenten wilderness. Find some time alone. Find some time outside. Then find some time to be here in community. Here we will lament the worst of human nature, while celebrating that we are created in the image of God. Here we will face our mortality, name our losses, and grieve the ways human beings treat the earth and one another. Here we seek to worship God alone. Here God nourishes us with the word and the bread of life. When we reach Easter, we may emerge with a different version or ourselves, our true nature.

Sermon 2/29/2020: The Wilderness Inside (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 2/29/2020: The Wilderness Inside (Pr. Ben Adams)

The internal wildernesses we dwell in must be named, must be shared, whether it is with a friend or family member, an anti-racism caucus, a licensed counselor or psychotherapist, or even here in this community of faith. People are suffering in their internal wildernesses, and because we don’t have safe and trustworthy spaces to share that suffering with others healthily, we transmit it to others in unhealthy ways. The wilderness can be a terrifying and tempting place, but together with God we can accompany through the wildernesses of our lives. And God knows the depths of our wildernesses. God in the person of Jesus Christ was led into the wilderness and was tempted. And because Jesus suffered in the wilderness, the wilderness can be redeemed.