
Sermon 10/18/20: Whose face do you see? (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 10/18/20: Whose face do you see? (Pr. Ben Adams)

When you are upset about the driver in front of you and you speed up to give them the stink eye, you can ask yourself, whose face do I see in that other driver? Or better yet, if you do go through with giving them the stink eye, whose face would they see? Is it the face of God? Or when you look in the mirror, whose face do you see? Do you see the face of God whose image you have been created in? Or turning the conversation back to taxation, whose face do you see when you pay your taxes? Is it the face of God in the person on the street corner who could benefit from public housing, universal healthcare, and a strong social safety net? Or do you only see the face of those who use the tax system to exploit the poor and further enrich the wealthy?