
Sermon 9/13/20: Sing the Song of Freedom (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 9/13/20: Sing the Song of Freedom (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

We have all been set free to sing a song of freedom because God has won the victory for all. We worship a God--at the festive Easter Vigil, or in these ordinary, yet extraordinary times from our home--whose heart beats for the suffering and marginalized, but also extends to the influential and the privileged. By God’s grace alone, we are free to live a new life in Christ, reborn every day in God’s love and mercy for the world.

Sermon 9/12/20: Forgiven People Forgive People (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 9/12/20: Forgiven People Forgive People (Pr. Ben Adams)

Dear People, you are forgiven, and forgiven people forgive people. And if that act of forgiveness feels like an impossible task before you with all the frustration we feel with one another, trust that renewed in our baptisms, God will make all of us, signs of reconciliation in the world, and together we will move forward and find a future together. A future transformed, healed, and whole.