
Sermon 8/30/20: Holy Ground (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 8/30/20: Holy Ground (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

God calls us to speak about unjust systems that oppress, even if we don’t feel equipped or well-spoken enough to make a difference. God calls us to stand with those who are hurt by violence and natural disasters, or who have no sense of belonging, even if we don’t know exactly what to do. God calls us to open our eyes and hearts to the pain and suffering of others. And God calls us to take off our shoes--to be vulnerable and open to the God who embraces us in our own pain and suffering. God is the one who always holds the action, is never stagnant or still. I AM loves. I AM restores. I AM forgives. I AM calls. I AM is with us whenever we find ourselves on holy ground