
Sermon 1/17/21: Unmute Yourself (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 1/17/21: Unmute Yourself (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Being muted is weird. I get it. It is a bit humbling. But it reminds us of the holy work of listening. It involves paying attention, slowing down, being present, being open. As a Sufi musician states, listening is “making an altar out of our ears.” So listen. Listen to the voices of others. Listen to the sound of silence. Listen to the God who knows us intimately—who invites us to come and see. And to come and the word of the Lord—words of grace, justice, mercy and forgiveness. Come and follow this one who comes to us as one unknown, yet in flesh and blood, is Savior and Lord.

Sermon 1/16/21: Godly Positioning System (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 1/16/21: Godly Positioning System (Pr. Ben Adams)

In this moment between stimulus and response we can perceive God calling out to us like God did to Samuel and in this powerful moment we too can say, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening!” The road noise and commotion around us might be pretty distracting and we might miss our exit or our turn, but we can still trust that the moral arc of the universe will bend us back towards justice because each of our Godly positioning systems has a route re-calculator that gets to work whenever we get off track.