Sermon 7/11/21: Saving a Life or Saving Face? (Pr. Michelle Sevig)
Michelle Sevig Michelle Sevig

Sermon 7/11/21: Saving a Life or Saving Face? (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

We may not turn into prophets like John or Amos, but we are ordinary people called to deliver an extraordinary message. In the letter to the Ephesians read today, Paul names the new believers as God’s blessed, God’s chosen and God’s adopted children. It's kind of like a pep talk that coaches give to their players just before sending them back into the game that seems like a lost cause. Yet we are sent back into the game after worship each week to proclaim God’s inbreaking reign to all the powers that profess to rule this world. And we do not do it alone. God loves us enough in our brokenness to entrust us to be the body of Christ in the world. To share God’s love and light with others and to receive that same love and light through others when we need it most.

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Sermon 7/12/20: No Rules, Just Response (Pr. Ben Adams)
Sermons Raneem Salem Sermons Raneem Salem

Sermon 7/12/20: No Rules, Just Response (Pr. Ben Adams)

As followers of Christ we have been set free from the laws of sin and death and in the famous words of Leo Balmudo from Grease, “the rules are there ain’t no rules,” just our response to the love and grace we have experienced through Christ's death and resurrection. Christ IS victorious over death and has sown in us a victory garden with seeds of freedom planted in the soil of our lives, watered by our baptism, that give way to glorious, life-giving fruit. Through the example of rule-breakers like Jacob, Paul, and even God, our profligate seed sower, we are invited to also not follow the rules, and instead follow Christ and respond to the love and grace we have in Christ by extending that same love and grace to others.

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