
God: The Original They/Them

God: The Original They/Them

We are created in the image of God, and God is, well…they are relational. They are always in a co-equal relationship with each other, they are in a constant love relationship with us. They love us beyond measure. They love us unconditionally. They have named us and claimed us in baptism as their very own beloved child and they send us out from this place ready to be in relationship with their creation to the end of the age.

Sermon 5/30/21 "Learning to Walk in the Dark" Pr. Ben Adams

Sermon 5/30/21 "Learning to Walk in the Dark" Pr. Ben Adams

The Holy Trinity is mysterious, and this place Holy Trinity will always be synonymous with mystery to me. And It’s precisely because of this openness to the mystery that we can be bold to learn about and dismantle racism together even when it implicates us, we can be bold to provide our confirmation students and our Life Together catechumens an opportunity to ask questions without trying to appease them with easy answers or cliches, we can be bold co-creators with God as we labor together and birth the kingdom of God here on earth as it is in heaven, and near or far we can be bold to risk another step together putting one foot in front of the other as we vulnerably, but bravely learn to walk in the dark.