
Sermon 1/18/20: God's Secret Weapons of Non-Violence (Pr. Ben Adams)

Sermon 1/18/20: God's Secret Weapons of Non-Violence (Pr. Ben Adams)

Christian love operating through the Gandhian method of non-violence was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people. As God’s secret weapon, Martin Luther King, Jr. shows us how powerful non-violence can actually be when it becomes our secret weapon in bloodthirsty world. But the violence of this world eventually did take the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Despite his total commitment to non-violence, he was assassinated by a violent man with a single shot fired from his Remington rifle. King was yet another victim sacrificed on the altar of American violence. As followers of Christ, the Lamb of God, we must be like non-violent secret weapons of God destroying the altars and the idols we are sacrificing our own to. Because Jesus was the final sacrifice. Jesus’s death on the cross was meant to end all other sacrifices.

Sermon 1/19/20: What are you looking for? (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 1/19/20: What are you looking for? (Pr. Craig Mueller)

What are you looking for? Not just size twelve. Not just an iPhone in green. Not just the restaurant with the best Yelp review. What are you really looking for? What is most essential for you to grow and thrive and serve? What a gift that we can take a few moments on a Sunday morning to turn off the distractions and turn off the commercials and listen for God. And hear again the invitation: Come and see! Come, hear the good news. Come, remember your baptism. Come, eat, and drink. Come, be refreshed, and then depart to share in God’s liberation project for our world!