
Sermon 1/10/21: Kick the Devil in the Pants (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Sermon 1/10/21: Kick the Devil in the Pants (Pr. Michelle Sevig)

Will you live out your baptismal calling and say no to all that defiles God? Say NO to white supremacy and it’s demonic legacy in our country? Say NO to serving self above all else? Say NO to unjust systems that benefit one group of people at the expense of others? Say NO to abuse of self, others and our planet? Say NO to empty promises and complicity? This day, every day, boldly shout a strong NO to all that destroys and deceives, and turn toward the Holy One’s YES that proclaims, “You are beloved of God.”

Sermon 1/12/20: Finding Your Voice (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 1/12/20: Finding Your Voice (Pr. Craig Mueller)

When the voices in your head are overwhelming . . . when you don’t know what to make of the myriad voices in the news and in your feeds, come to this sacred space to listen. When your voice cracks and croaks under the strain of life, listen to the still, small voice within. Listen to the divine voice announcing forgiveness and grace. Listen to the radical message of impartiality that proclaims all are created in God’s image. Listen to the voice of hope that envisions a different future even when everyone else is shouting that the world is falling apart. The voice of the Lord is upon the waters. Jesus rises from the river with a voice—an identity, a calling. And we, too, find our voice. In baptism. Here. Together.