Listening and Discernment Response Reporting Form

Session One:

1. Introduce yourself and name something you appreciate about church during the pandemic. 

2. Today we will reflect on what we have lost through the pandemic and other events of 2020. What were we on the verge of discovering or accomplishing before the onset of the pandemic?

3. What will need to be different now? What was possible before that may not be possible now?

4. What seemed important before that seems superfluous now?

Session Two:

1. What was undervalued before that may hold greater value now?

2. What mattered about geography or meeting in person that no longer matters?

3. What new abundance are we experiencing now?

4. Where are we experiencing scarcity now that was not evident before?

Session Three:

1. What are some of our greatest assets now and how might things want to emerge in new ways?

2. What relationships will we need to build on or strengthen in the months and years ahead? Consider the partnership between HTLoop and Grace Episcopal (Grace Place) in the South Loop and the Lakeview Lutheran Parish.

3. What role could our congregation play in imagining the future of the larger church (beyond our own community) in the coming years? 

4. What are some of the changes in our self-identity that these changes might call forth?