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ELCA Lutherans and Muslims: five decades of friendship and hospitality

Lakeview Lutheran Parish

Lent 2022 Wednesday Evening Series + Hospitality: Making Room + 7:00 pm on Zoom


Meeting ID: 864 1788 1238 Passcode: Lent2022

Mass media might make one think American interest in Muslims is concerned only with wars and terrorism. But Lutherans have been interacting with Muslims in America and around the globe in positive ways since the 1950s and 1960s. We will briefly compare Islam and Christianity, summarize key moments in the history of ELCA engagement, and then explore ways Muslims and Christians are sharing hospitality and working together on such causes as hunger, immigration, and interreligious understanding. Leader: Holy Trinity member Carol Schersten LaHurd.

Brief Introduction to Islam

ELCA Inter Religious Resources

April 6

Wednesday Eucharist & Study

April 7

Serve with the Youth Outreach Van