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Second Sundays: Ritual

  • Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 1218 West Addison Street Chicago, IL, 60613 United States (map)

Walking on knees to the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, standing with hand on heart singing the national anthem before a football game, throwing rice on a bridal couple, attending Sunday liturgy – all over the world human beings perform rituals like these daily. Why do we do such things? If you’re interested in one scholar’s answer, join us in person or on Zoom after the service on January 15 for a discussion led by Ryan Lahurd on the recently-published book Ritual: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living by Demetres Xygalatas.

Zoom Information: Meeting ID: 832 1918 9960   Passcode: htlc

January 8

Sunday School Resumes

January 18

Passion Narrative Series: Stages in New Testament Development with a focus on the gospels