TWo Wednesdays, 10:00 am

January 27; February 3



Three half-hour sessions following the 5:00 pm service

Saturdays, January 16, 23 and 30



One session. Monday, February 1, 7:00 – 8:15 pm

 Greetings in the new year! Think back to one year ago. We could have never predicted what would greet us in 2020. Whether from a health, political, social, or economic lens, we are living through one of the most stressful, challenging and transformative periods of the past century. All institutions are affected. It is hard to predict what the coming years will bring.

With all this in mind, I am inviting the Holy Trinity community to participate in listening and discernment conversations in the coming month. These sessions will help us step back and reflect on our congregation in light of what we have lost, what we are learning, and what may be emerging in this liminal season between what is past and the possibilities before us. In discernment we listen together for the voice of the Spirit to lead us into an unknown future. To echo our theme from Advent, God is making all things new!

As Susan Beaumont writes: Liminal seasons are rich times, ripe for innovation and creativity. A threshold has opened. Our grasp on the past has loosened. The threshold invites us to let go of our fears and discomforts, along with some things that we hold dear. We are broken open to embrace new possibilities.

The congregation council and staff have been participating in these listening and discernment sessions and we invite all of the Holy Trinity community to choose a time and format that works for you. Zoom breakout rooms will be used to facilitate groups of six or seven participants. These gatherings will also provide an opportunity to get to know others in our ever-changing community!

Please sign-up to participate via the forms above.

Finally, thank you to the Holy Trinity community for your participation and generosity in 2020. In an unpredictable 2020 we ended the year with a surplus. You also supported the Elvina Moen social justice fund, provided gift cards for the South Loop community table, and contributed to the Toward 100 capital campaign.

Deep thanks from the Holy Trinity staff and blessings of grace and peace to you all in 2021!