HTLakeview Online Liturgy Migrates to YouTube May 2
Beginning Sunday, May 2, our online liturgy will be migrating from Zoom to YouTube! But immediately following the liturgy, we will move to HTUnmuted (on Zoom) to share the peace, and to briefly experience the sense of community connections we have enjoyed on Zoom the past year.
Beginning Sunday, May 2, our online liturgy will be migrating from Zoom to YouTube! But immediately following the liturgy, we will move to HTUnmuted (on Zoom) to share the peace, and to briefly experience the sense of community connections we have enjoyed on Zoom the past year.
Why this change?
HTLakeview recently installed new livestreaming equipment. This equipment is designed for Web platforms such as YouTube and Facebook Live. As we gradually transition to in-person liturgies, You Tube seems to offer the best hybrid option in which people are both in the sanctuary and online.
What are the benefits of YouTube?
If you have a Smart TV, you can view the liturgy from your television by going directly to Holy Trinity’s YouTube channel. The YouTube thumbnail will also be easily found on our website and folks will be able to access the liturgy directly without another link.
What about the sense of community we had on Zoom?
Our decision a year ago to use Zoom has been very important for Holy Trinity—to see one another and participate in a variety of ways. In addition to the benefits of this change, there are certainly losses.
The YouTube comments section will enable community participation through the service. Others could choose to minimize distractions and keep the video feed on full screen.
On May 2 we will introduce HTUnmuted, a brief time for community connection at the conclusion of the Sunday liturgy. We will have an opportunity to share the peace, greet one another, make introductions and announcements, and see each other’s faces. On many Sundays this will lead directly to the Small Bytes Forum. To keep our strong sense of community, we hope that most folks will go to HTUnmuted, even for a short time.
HTLoop will continue to use Zoom so please remember our 5:00 pm Saturday evening liturgy as an option!
How can I/we participate more fully with the new livestreaming format?
1) use a separate device to view the bulletin with hymns and other texts
2) print out the bulletin
3) purchase your own copy of Evangelical Lutheran Worship (24.50) and the new supplement All Creation Sings (now $12.50; regular $14.50) for your home. Wonderful resources for you to use not only for liturgy but at other times as well.