Faith Story: eric bjorlin


I grew up in the church. From my earliest of days, I recall myself in a pew on the left side, a few rows back from the front (where I still attempt to sit today). I was involved high school youth group and very active in my college campus ministry. When I graduated, I could have continued to attend my college church, but in starting my journey as a young professional, I sought community and connection with others in a similar life position as I continued my faith journey. Holy Trinity was recommended as a possible good fit, and I've been a member (though not always a local one) ever since.

Holy Trinity pulls together all that I value in worship and has been a comfortable place for me to find my spiritual home. The liturgy, the gospel message, but perhaps above all the music. Music digs deeper than words and logic (my usual go-to's) and stirs my soul. Whether on Easter morning, All Saints Day, or just a green summer Sunday, I know I can count on worship at Holy Trinity to touch me down to my spiritual core.

As my life has ebbed and flowed—different addresses, partners, jobs—my connection to Holy Trinity has held steady. Though my specific time and financial commitments to Holy Trinity have changed, dictated by changes to my external life and income, pledging and providing support is an important part of my commitment to Holy Trinity. Like any institution, Holy Trinity needs resources to survive and continue to provide the many opportunities it supplies us, which is why it's important for all of us to commit and pledge to support Holy Trinity in the year ahead.

Perhaps what I most value about Holy Trinity is it's openness to the voice of the Spirit and an openness to change. Holy Trinity is not perfect, but instead of letting that be something to run from, Holy Trinity continues to discern ways to be more committed to the gospel message. It's been a joy to see the specific statements of radical inclusion and mission developed in recent years, and I'm beyond excited for the deepening of anti-racism work of our congregation, an issue extremely important for me.

Holy Trinity commits to its values of love, inclusion, and anti-oppression in all we do, and that's why I commit to Holy Trinity with my time, talents, and treasure.