Do you promise to help your child grow in the Christian faith and life?
I’ll be honest….
Do you promise to help your child grow in the Christian faith and life?
That’s the question I ask of parents at baptism.
The gifts of baptism are free–an unearned love from God and a welcoming embrace to the community of faith. However; parents, sponsors, the church and its pastors are entrusted with responsibilities to help them grow in the Christian faith and life.
Although it doesn’t say it specifically in the baptismal rite, providing an engaging and loving Sunday school experience is one way that the Holy Trinity community helps our children grow in the Chrisitan faith and life.
On Sunday mornings after worship, we will once again meet together in person, and on-line, to provide a time set apart for engaging in interactive storytelling, games and crafts for the little ones, real life biblical application for the older ones and always an intergenerational experience with trusted teachers/mentors.
I’ll be honest, there’s not too much I remember about my Sunday school experience from long ago. I don’t remember specific lessons, I can’t recite Bible verses and I get messed up in the genealogy of Abraham and Sarah’s family. But what I cherish from Sunday school is the memory of singing with others before class. Those old songs are the ones I sing with our Holy Trinity kids now. I remember that Sunday school was fun and my teachers loved me. Church felt safe to me and I wanted to be there. I grew in the Christian faith, was nurtured in prayer, I learned to care for others and the world God made.
Parents, do you promise to help your child grow in the Christian faith and life? Join us this Sunday at HTLakeview after the liturgy in Passavant Hall or on Zoom
I’d love to hear your memories of Sunday school. Send me a note and tell me all about it.
PreK - 2nd grade meet 2nd and 4th Sundays The Younger Ones Zoom link
3rd - 6th grade meet every Sunday The Older Ones Zoom link